Religious Education (RE)
Statement of Intent:
We follow the Durham Agreed Syllabus, which is a requirement for all Church of England (controlled) schools.
The units covered have been specifically chosen to provide a curriculum which builds upon prior knowledge and reflects our diverse school community. RE at St. Margaret’s encourages multi-faith harmony, respect for all and community cohesion.
Our RE curriculum develops children’s knowledge and understanding of Christianity and of other principal religions. Children develop their knowledge and understanding of religion through the four RE concepts:
- Belief
- Authority
- Expressions of Belief
- Impact of Belief
Children are encouraged to think critically by using reason to analyse, evaluate and give opinions.
Our curriculum encourages empathy and enables children to develop their own sense of identity and belonging. Opportunities are given within RE lessons for personal reflection and SMSC Development.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from religious education and/or collective worship. If, as a parents, you wish to do this you must given written notice to the school.