Our Staff Team
As a large primary school, our management team play an important role in ensuring a well designed and coordinated education for our pupils.
Mrs A Hassall - Head Teacher
Mrs A Bell - Acting Deputy Head Teacher
Mrs C Tiffin - Upper KS2 Leader
Mrs C McNicholas - EYFS Lead
Mrs A Hassall
Mrs A Bell
Mrs C Frew
Mrs C McNicholas
Teaching and Support Staff
EYFS - Red & Blue Class
Mrs C McNicholas
Mrs H Reilly
Supported by Mrs H Ness, Mrs A Sutcliffe, Ms M Van Lent, Mrs J Warbrick, Mrs H Hedley and Ms A Williams
Mrs McNicholas
Mrs H Reilly
Mrs Ness
Mrs Sutcliffe
Ms Van Lent
Mrs Warbrick
Mrs Hedley
Ms Williams
Year 1 - Green & Rainbow Class
Mrs K Hunter
Miss L Heightley
Supported by Miss L Whittingham
Mrs Hunter
Miss L Heightley
Miss Whittingham
Year 2 - Yellow & Lilac Class
Mrs J White
Mr H Tatham
Supported by Mrs M Brown
Management time cover provided by Mrs K Rose
Mrs White
Mr H Tatham
Mrs Brown
Mrs Rose
Year 3 - Orange & Purple Class
Mrs C Tiffin
Mrs C Bennett
Supported by Ms M Van Lent
Mrs Frew
Mrs Bennett
Ms M Van Lent
Year 4 - White & Brown Class
Mrs K Stoker
Mrs R Barker
Mr B Chadwick
Supported by Miss H Mackenzie and Mrs A Reay
Mrs Stoker
Mrs Barker
Mr B Chadwick
Miss Mackenzie
Mrs A Reay
Year 5 - Mauve & Grey Class
Mrs A Hague
Mr W Reilly
Supported by Mrs T Varley and Mrs J Moody
Mrs A Hague
Mr W Reilly
Mrs Varley
Mrs Moody
Year 6 - Gold & Silver Class
Mrs L Burdon
Mrs F Curry
Supported by Mrs C Knox and Mrs D Gibson
Mrs L Burdon
Mrs Curry
Mrs Knox
Mrs Gibson
Physical Education & Forest School
Mr M Rose - Forest School Instructor/PE Coach
Miss A Forster - PE Apprentice
Miss A Slane - PE Apprentice
Mr Rose
Miss A Forster
Miss A Slane
Other Teaching Staff
Mrs D Holman - HLTA (across all year groups)
Mrs Holman
Wraparound Care Staff
Mrs H Allen
Mrs J Ord
Ms K McCauley
Mrs T Dellapina
Mr R Fisher-Hunter
Ms M Van Lent
Mrs A Linfoot
Lunchtime Supervisors
Mrs L Kelley
Mrs K McCauley
Mr G Harvey
Mr N Gilboy
Mrs T Dellapina
Mrs L Vincent
Staff structure updated and correct on 16/09/24